Belt buckle knife


A belt buckle knife is a folding knife often disguised as a belt buckle, made from a piece of metal with a sharp point at one end and either an elongated hole or spike on the other. Sometimes the spike is curved outwards for extra cutting capability. Some designs are of an ice-pick shape, others use a blade shape very similar to that used on bayonets. A more typical design has two long spikes pointing outwards at 90 degrees from each other. 

The knife blades are made from flat brass and stainless steel, they have very little weight to them and can be easily carried in a pocket. The point of these knives tends to be minor, about one inch in length. This buckle knife has much in common with a penknife (or desk knife) as both have an elongated point on them, only a belt buckle knife is usually hidden within a decorative object while the penknife's blade is visible on the outside of the case.

Characteristics of Belt Knives:

"A belt buckle knife is a folding pocket knife, worn on the belt buckle. These knives can either be locking or non-locking folders. Most people prefer to wear a locking folder as the blade would be harder to open if it was bumped and then folded back into the handle of the knife."

These Knives are an easy go-to in any situation where you need a sharp object but don't have your full knife kit handy. They can fold up so tiny that they are barely noticeable on your belt buckle and they won't interfere with anything else you had planned for the day. And, if you are like me and are just not comfortable with a knife hanging from your pant pocket, then they can clip onto your jeans, skirt, or almost anything else.

These knives are typically small traditional folding folders. Some people prefer the classic all-metal look while others choose to get more creative and add gems or clasps to spice things up. What makes them so popular though is their stealth factor. The compact size and the ability to wear it on your belt means that people don't even realize you're carrying a knife until you need it.

The Right Way to Use Belt Knife

If you’re in a situation where you have to defend yourself, a belt buckle knife is a great way to go. They are easier to hide than even your ordinary pocket knife and with these, the blade is actually built into the buckle itself. This makes them just as convenient as they are deadly. So what does one look like? And how do you use it properly?

1. Keep your Eyes Open for Potential Threats

The first step is to look out for potential threats in your vicinity. Look for anything that is unusual or out of the ordinary. Look for unusual movements or people. Try to look for any signs that indicate you are in danger. 

2. Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Once you have found a potential threat, realize that it will probably be too late in the process to react and defend yourself before they get close enough to strike you. Therefore, it is imperative that you stay aware of your surroundings at all times. You should always try to move around as quietly as possible if possible, and avoid light sources whenever possible.

3. Conceal the Knife

If you feel that someone is approaching you, the next thing to do is to conceal the knife in your belt buckle. You should try to do this as quickly as possible so that your attacker can’t see it and realize what you are doing. 

4. Attack When the Time is Right

Once they are within striking distance, attack immediately while they are not expecting it. It would be a good idea to have a folding knife with a larger blade or even a switchblade in place of this belt buckle knife for better results but don’t get caught without a weapon if you can help it. If you are caught off guard or approached in an area where there aren’t any weapons around, this option is a great idea to have and use.

Everyone Should Carry a Belt Knife!

These Knives have a hidden blade that can be used as a knife or to break glass. The belt buckle has the shape of a fold-out pocket knife. Belt Knives are great for when you are out and about, as they can easily be carried or hidden in a pocket if needed. There are many uses for this type of knife and it comes with two belts. One is made from leather, and the other is made from heavy-duty nylon. 

It also includes an LED light in the handle that turns on when the button is pushed revealing the blade with its small flashlight on top making it perfect for self-defense and taking care of any intruder. This belt buckle knife has a glass breaker incorporated into the blade for breaking windows or bottles of liquor. When not in a pocket, it is an excellent carry and is quite easy to manipulate without looking at the belt buckle. 

The belt buckle also has a small LED light attached to the top of the blade and it functions as a signal light. This is highly useful inside or when outdoors at night making this a great self-defense tool. The buckle knife fits into any belt and can be easily carried anywhere we go. The leather belt makes it that much more durable, but if you prefer a more lightweight option then you can opt for the nylon version that is also very strong and can be worn in all weather conditions.